
What Happens in a Lesson?

The object of the Alexander Technique is to make us conscious of our habits and to give us the tools for change.

An Alexander teacher uses both verbal and hands on guidance to teach you to learn to recognize and change habitual patterns that may be interfering with your ease, flexibility, and balance.

During a series of lessons the pupil gradually acquires tools to help him/her find a way of dealing with faulty coordination, which is often a result of deeply ingrained habits learned from a very young age. In an Alexander lesson we learn how to unlearn these pervasive habits, gradually liberating us from our muscle-bound existence.

Lessons are available on an individual basis and are useful for adults and children of all ages. A one-on-one lesson typically lasts for 30 to 45 minutes.

Contact me to schedule your lesson at julia.lesnykh@gmail.com